Thursday, December 3, 2009

Finding time to write, finding time to relax...

So, I'm sitting by the pool, passion fruit daquiri in hand, sweat and salt water from the pool dripping down my poor Irish skin and my red nose. It's hot out here, 9 degrees from the equator. This morning I wore my new short sleeve rash guard to hopefully get some sun on my arms at least. Well, I did and I think I may have burned a bit. It's such a surreal experience to see everyone putting up Christmas decorations now. I have forgotten that it's that time of the year being surrounded by heat, jungle and the ocean.

I saw Tom Green this morning after our morning surf lesson! He was sitting in the Harbor Reef hotel restaurant where we meet every morning for brunch after surfing. I had to do a couple takes to make sure it was him and didn't want to stare. Yep, it was Tom Green, with a beard.

I just need some pure and simple Emily time. I'm skipping yoga now, taking the time to sit by the pool and enjoy my vacation. The passion fruit daquiri is killer and much needed. The pool is beautiful and refreshing. I'm the only one here now, besides a pair of green bellied robin-looking birds making pretty little cooing noises, occasionally skimming across the surface of the salt water pool every-once-in a while and the family of spider monkeys scrambling through the branches across the way.

After an amazing massage, in a Swiss family Robinson-like tree house, I just wanted to walk along the beach and watch the sun set... it was the perfect ending to a very, very relaxing day.

Playa Guiones to the North...



I usually take pictures of my feet wherever I travel, but they were lookin' pretty sorry by the end of the week, so foot prints did the trick!

The Taj we lovingly referred to it. It was an old abandoned hotel.

Costa Rican sunset...

A Tica wanna be...

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